Arosio, F., Branchini, C., Barbieri, L., & Guasti, M. T. (2014). Failure to produce direct object clitic pronouns as a clinical marker of SLI in school-aged Italian speaking children. Clinical linguistics & phonetics, 28(9), 639-663.
[Scheda] — [Abstract]
Guasti, M. T., Palma, S., Genovese, E., Stagi, P., Saladini, G., & Arosio, F. (2016). The production of direct object clitics in pre-school–and primary school–aged children with specific language impairments. Clinical linguistics & phonetics, 30(9), 663-678.
[Scheda] — [Abstract]
Vender, M., Garraffa, M., Sorace, A., & Guasti, M. T. (2016). How early L2 children perform on Italian clinical markers of SLI: A study of clitic production and nonword repetition. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 30(2), 150-169.
[Scheda] — [Abstract]